Table of Contents

   Support FAQ
   Getting Started with Atlas


If you are encountering any problems with Atlas, please email or fill out the Atlas support request form to the right.

Support FAQ

Do I need an account?
You might need an account if you need access to secure data, participant data, study materials and other restricted items. For some documents (such as the MTN Enrollment and Retention reports) you do not need an account to access them.
How do I get an account?
If you know your designated Liaison, you can contact them to have you added. Alternatively, you can fill out this form and submit it.
What do I do with my account?
When you have an account, you can log onto the Altas Web Portal and view data. To access project information, click on the project name located in the left sidebar. You will be prompted to read the terms and conditions of the ATLAS Portal before proceeding. Once you have read and agree to the terms and conditions, check the box and click the “Sign In” button.

To get access to Atlas, an account be created for you. At this point you are a "user" and have limited permissions.

The person who authorizes your account also specifies which folders and studies you should have access to. At this point you are added to a "group," a subset of people who have similar permissions to a folder on Atlas. You might be a member of several "groups."

Security on Atlas is set on a folder-by-folder-basis. If you have permission to view a folder, you can view all materials within that folder only, such as Wiki pages and PDFs. If you have permission to view a folder, you do not necessarily have permissions to view a subfolder.

If you feel that you should be able to view a folder, and you are not able to, please contact your Liaison or the Atlas helpdesk at
How do I sign in?
To sign in to the ATLAS Portal, click one of the "Sign In" links located in the left sidebar and in the top right hand corner of the screen. You will be prompted to enter your email address and password. This email address must be the email address with which you registered as a user for the ATLAS Portal. Once you have entered this information, click the "Sign In" link.
What if I forget my password?
If you have forgotten your password, click the "Sign In" link. There will be an area to enter your user info. Under this is a link called "Forgot your password?". Click on this to reset your password. If you still have trouble, contact the Atlas helpdesk at
What if I forget my sign in info?
If you have an account, but have forgotten either your email address with which you registered or your password, please contact the Atlas helpdesk at

Getting Started with Atlas

What is Atlas?
Atlas is a user-friendly online interface that provides secure access to data and analysis tools. It seamlessly integrates and analyzes information from multiple databases, and facilitates communication and data-exchange among scientists. As a collaborative tool, Atlas is designed to enhance the quality and efficiency of the research being undertaken by investigators in their fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases.
How do I get an account?
    Do I need an account?
    How do I get an account?
    What do I do with my account?
    How do I sign in?
    What if I forget my password?
    What if I forget my sign in info?
LabKey Documentation
    Labkey User Manual


Most of the information contained in this database is CONFIDENTIAL and may only be used for research purposes only in accordance with their respective network Agreements. If you are not an authorized user of this database and conducting research for one of the scientific networks, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination, distribution, copying, or other use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you are an authorized user of this database, you are obligated under your network-specific Agreement to comply with all terms and conditions of that Agreement including without limitation the confidentiality provisions of your research network and to prevent its unauthorized transfer to any individual or institution.